The following operating terms and conditions as well as notices (‘Terms and Conditions’) apply to Stopchasingweekends.com website and its use, including access to all products and services available on this website (jointly ‘Services’). By using the Service you agree to all the terms and conditions of the Service, which may be changed at any time. By using the Service you confirm you have read the most recent Terms and Conditions and that you regularly check the Terms and Conditions page.
Users of the stopchasingweekends.com website are only allowed to access it as short-term visitors. We reserve the right to withdraw or change the Service without prior notice. We are not liable for the web content not being accessible or for this website not being available for any reason. We also do not accept any liability if this website is unavailable at any time and/or for any period due to any reason. Access to specific parts or the entire web content can also be temporarily restricted.
This website also contains links to other websites that are not managed by Spago d.o.o. (‘Related Websites’). Spago d.o.o. does not have any control over Related Websites and does not accept any liability for them or for any loss or damage arising from their use. The use of Related Websites is strictly limited to the terms and conditions of use of those websites.
Domain stopchasingweekends.com is registered by Spago d.o.o.
Company info:
Established in 2002
Company registration number: 1683136000
VAT ID no.: SI58584811
VAT taxable person: YES
Contact details:
Spago d.o.o., Hotična 2a, 6242 Materija, Slovenija, EU
e-mail: info (at) stopchasingweekends.com
Bank details:
Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d.
Trg republike 2
1520 Ljubljana
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): SI56 0201 7009 0858 553
Spago d.o.o. complies with the applicable customer protection legislation. In the event of a complaint, dispute or any other problem, the buyer can contact Spago d.o.o. by calling +386 5 6874 129 or sending an e-mail to info (at) stopchasingweekends.com. A complaint must be sent in writing to the address of Spago d.o.o. The complaint resolution procedure is confidential. More detailed information about complaints, delivery, guarantee claims and material defect claims can be found in the Terms and Conditions of Spago d.o.o. at the top of the website www.stopchasingweekends.com.
Spago d.o.o. will reply to all complaints made in writing or by telephone within the shortest possible time and in compliance with its legal obligations related to the type of complaint. Spago d.o.o. is aware that an essential characteristic of a consumer dispute, at least in the case of resolution before a court, is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the costs arising from the dispute resolution. This is the main reason for a consumer to not start litigation. Therefore, Spago d.o.o. will use its best efforts to resolve any disputes amicably.
On 14 November 2015, the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes Act (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 81/2015; hereinafter ZIsRPS) entered into force.
The ZIsRPS governs the out-of-court resolution of domestic and cross-border disputes between companies and consumers with the assistance of an out-of-court consumer dispute resolution mediator (hereinafter: OCDR mediator).
In compliance with the law, Spago d.o.o. does not acknowledge any OCDR mediator as competent for resolving a consumer dispute that a consumer could initiate in accordance with the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes Act.
These Terms and Conditions comply with the legislation of Slovenia. Any court in Slovenia, regardless of the buyer’s place of permanent residence, is to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising from these Terms and Conditions.